Our areas of expertise. Click the buttons below to access our publications!

Economic Appraisal and Reserves Estimations of Hydrocarbon Projects

Proved Developed (PDs) and Proved Undeveloped (PUDs) Reserves in so-called “proved areas” with “proved wells” may flip back and forth over time from economic to non-economic due to volatile commodity prices. Integrated with advanced reservoir models (numerical, semi-analytical), analytical streamline codes based on complex potentials provide simple and powerful tools for visualization and drainage optimization in the stimulated rock volume.

Why should we bother?

To succeed in field development it is essential to have an efficient workflow to perform history matching and production forecasting under uncertainty for a large number of (shale) wells.

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Impact of Fiscal Rents on Hydrocarbon Projects

Impact of fiscal models on the corporate portfolio of oil and gas companies needs to be minimized, while fiscal rent extraction for resource-rich nations needs to be maximized.

Why should we bother?

License terms need to be tailor-made to facilitate investments in exploration and development to development a nations hydrocarbon sector. For example, we have conducted benchmarks for all of Mexico’s new hydrocarbon contracts (onshore, offshore shallow water and offshore deepwater projects).

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Commodity Price Models and Benchmarking Corporate Performance

Some companies adapt faster to change and outperform their competitors. Benchmarks of the key differentiating factors provide timely insight in remediation measures. The principal effects of depressed oil and gas prices on companies are declining revenues, declining profits, higher debt-gearing, increased cost of capital, lower value of oil and gas properties, lost of market capitalization (investor response) and postponement of new E&P projects. Oil and gas price models provide essential support for decision-making in the upstream hydrocarbon industry.

Why should we bother?

Tools are needed for rapid benchmarking of corporate performance.

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